Topping Out AND Touring Park + Ford

Watching projects leave our drawing boards and enter the real world generates tremendous energy and excitement for our firm. Just over a year ago, the Park + Ford project began demolition, and has since made remarkable progress in its dramatic transformation from 1980’s office towers to 435 amenity-rich residential units in Alexandria, VA.
Last month, the B|HA project team, client Lowe Enterprises, general contractor Whiting-Turner and several hundred subcontractor personnel, gathered on the outdoor terrace to celebrate the project’s “topping out”. With just a few short months remaining until completion, the Bonstra | Haresign ARCHITECTS team returned to the construction site for a tour led by design team, David Haresign, FAIA, John Edwards, Assoc. AIA, Ronnie Ali and Lizza Medina. Periodic construction tours conducted by the firm educate our team about specific challenges and opportunities associated with complex projects, including unique adaptive use projects like Park + Ford.
The two existing 1980’s office buildings in Alexandria received a Development Special Use Permit (DSUP) approval for conversion to multi-family residential use. One of the key architectural challenges of the project is utilizing the existing components and materials of both buildings and introducing design elements to make both residential buildings. The adaptive use project yields 435 new residential units including 10 affordable units.Completion is scheduled for early 2022.