Returning Face-to-Face!

After 15 months of predominantly remote collaboration, we are thrilled to warmly and safely welcome our teammates and friends back together. We kicked off with a backyard party to reconnect our entire team with a face-to-face celebration as we have emerged from our pandemic hibernation.
We are proud of our resilient and tenacious team that continues to provide the highest level of design and service with our clients, consultants, and construction professionals. The challenges we overcame together during the past 15 months taught us valuable lessons, and we are emerging stronger and better-equipped moving into our next chapter.
With our Partners retaining full presence in our office, we began a progressive return to in-person collaboration for the rest of our team on June 1st. At 50% capacity, team members have been able to return to the office for 2-3 days per week and once again share our open studio space. Those who are not in the office continue to collaborate and work remotely during our normal hours. On Monday, July 12th, our entire team returns again face-to-face, with an appreciation for accelerated technologic advancement and a new bag of tricks enabling optimal client service and project execution.
We look toward the future with hope and excitement as we continue on our journey toward design excellence and community building.