Design Line
Thursday, May 2 2024

reIMAGINE Opening at the District Architecture Center

Join us in celebrating the opening of the DAC’s latest exhibition, reIMAGINE: Creating New Uses for Old Buildings!

Exhibition Opening

Wednesday, May 8th, 2024
6 – 8 pm

Every building represents an investment of money, effort, and materials. A building’s owners, users, and even its neighbors therefore have a strong interest in its continued viability.

This exhibition presents 19 buildings in the Washington, DC, area that architects have recently reimagined,
bringing new life to structures that might otherwise have been doomed to disuse, decay, and ultimately the wrecking ball.

We are honored that our Park + Ford project is featured in the exhibition!

Exhibition Dates:

Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 – Thursday, August 29th, 2024

Any building that survives long enough is likely to undergo regular maintenance, occasional restoration, or possibly comprehensive renovation. Even so, some buildings inevitably become obsolete due to changes in business practices, technology, demographics, or other factors.

Fortunately, many structures facing obsolescence can be converted to purposes other than the ones for which they were designed—a process known as adaptive reuse. Essentially a form of recycling at a large scale, adaptive reuse offers numerous potential advantages over new construction, including environmental, economic, and social benefits. 

Exhibition Team

Mary Fitch, AICP, Hon. AIA, District Architecture Center 

G. Martin Moeller, Jr., Assoc. AIA, Independent Curator and Writer/Editor of ArchitectureDC 

Jennifer Byrne, Live.Create.Play. LLC®

Molly Ford, District Architecture Center

DAC thanks David Haresign, FAIA, who originated the idea for this exhibition series. 
