Join us for a Construction Watch Tour of St. Albans Athletic Fields
Bonstra | Haresign ARCHITECTS is pleased to announce that the renovation of the St. Albans School athletic fields continues into its final stages. Extensive re-grading of the historic site accommodates cascading terraces for new tennis courts, multi-purpose and baseball playing fields. The renovation program includes the addition of eight accessory structures: tennis pavilion, baseball dugouts, concessions, spectator and locker room facilities, pool house, pressboxes and a storage facility tucked beneath the main athletic field terrace.
The National Building Museum will host a Construction Watch Tour of the project on Saturday, May 30th from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Bonstra | Haresign ARCHITECTS’ David Haresign, FAIA and John Edwards, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP will lead the tour along with Wiles Mensch Corporation’s Director of Landscape Architecture, Craig Atkins, RLA, LEED AP. The tour will feature fieldstone walls, quioined brick openings, and bluestone caps that pick up the materiality of the existing school and cathedral grounds.
The tour is open to Museum members 18 years and older; for more information on registration, please see the National Building Museum event details.