Bonstra | Haresign ARCHITECTS’ Current Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dear friends, clients, and colleagues,
On March 12, 2020, the world changed. The COVID-19 Pandemic as we now know it, originally thought to have limited impact on us personally and professionally, is now in its 14th month. The challenges of the pandemic will be lasting in our hearts and minds. The Bonstra | Haresign ARCHITECTS team extends our heartfelt condolences to those who have suffered illness or loss during this time. We believe the worst is behind us. By following sound health practices from expert health professionals, exercising patience, and caring for each other, we will return stronger as we continue our economic recovery this year.
We are proud of our resilient group of partners, senior team leaders, architects and designers who have ‘stepped up’ to continue providing our high level of service to our clients, consultants, and construction professionals, continuing smarter and better equipped for 2021 and beyond. We have elevated new partners and team leaders, congratulated newly registered architects, and are pleased to welcome new graduates to our staff in 2021. As an “Essential Business”, we have continued to administrate over 10 construction projects during this time. We submitted and received approvals for numerous historic and special zoning entitlements projects throughout the DMV and have continued preparing exemplary project designs, all with limited face to face contact.
We began a transitional return to the office beginning June 1, 2021. Initially at 50% capacity, our partners and senior project team leaders will return to the office a minimum of three days each week, with other staff in the office a minimum of two days per week. We will continue to work remotely at other times. On Monday, July 12th, we will return to the office with our full team working again face to face, with an appreciation for accelerated technologic advancement enabling us to operate once again at the level to meet our client’s expectations.
Bonstra | Haresign ARCHITECTS thank our wonderful clients, public officials, consultants, contractors, and the professional community for working together with us as COVID-19 impacted our health, personal lives, and businesses. We will continue to serve our community and our clients with dedication and excellence in all we do-now better supported by exemplary documentation and communication technology and proven remote project management processes. Thank you for your confidence in our talented staff and your trust in the quality of our delivery of services. We are eager to return face to face with all of you, our friends, clients, and colleagues. Together with you at our side, we too will once again rally in the months and years ahead… we especially look forward to seeing you at project meetings and industry events around the Nation’s Capital.
Bill, David, John, Jack, and the Bonstra | Haresign ARCHITECTS team
Bill, Jack, John, and David, 2020 Bonstra | Haresign ARCHITECTS Team, 2019