Hypothetical Historic Church Conversion

Over the course of the 2024 fall semester, Senior Partner Bill Bonstra, FAIA, LEED AP, Associate Partner Jack Devilbiss, AIA, LEED AP, and Designer Adeola Okubadejo worked with a Community Development Clinic class at the Georgetown University Steers Center for Global Real Estate, led by Professor Matthew Cypher. The class centered around a hypothetical conversion
2021 District of Columbia Awards for Excellence in Historic Preservation

Photos from the Award Ceremony by DC Preservation League CARVER HALL AND SLOWE HALL HISTORIC PRESERVATION REVIEW BOARD CHAIR’S AWARD Sitting a block away from one another in the historic Washington, DC neighborhood of LeDroit Park, Slowe and Carver Halls were built in 1942 originally to house War Department workers, converting into university dormitories for
Living Legacy in LeDroit Park

Historic Slowe and Carver Halls provided housing for single war workers and then Howard University students for an impressive 75-year span, but each had reached the end its useful life as this specific dormitory design. Both buildings were designed by Hilyard Robinson, a distinguished architect and the first African American to earn an architecture degree from Columbia University (B.Arch,1924 and M.S. in Architecture, 1931).
Bonstra | Haresign ARCHITECTS along with client team Urban Investment Partners and Neighborhood Development Company creatively and painstakingly transformed the two Howard University dormitory buildings into 164 moderately priced apartments while preserving a historically significantly piece of the LeDroit Park community. These three-story apartment budlings offer the only high-density multifamily residences in the walkable and public transit-oriented neighborhood.